Labour's former general secretary has called out "spineless" Labourites who he claims have climbed up to the topmost ranks within the party to the detriment of others who helped launch their political careers.

In a Facebook post marking 10 years of Labour in government, Jason Micallef recalled a series of personal achievements over the past decade, including being appointed head of the foundation preparing Valletta's bid to become the European Cultural Capital.

Back in 2013, he replaced architect David Felice who had held the post for four years. Micallef, who was known to be very close to former prime minister Joseph Muscat, eventually also chaired the Valletta Cultural Agency.

On Friday, he took credit for the capital's gentrification: "Valletta's economic, social and cultural success is thanks to the unprecedented work that we carried out in the capital between 2013 and 2018".

In these 10 years, the government trusted him with the "biggest green regeneration of Ta' Qali", while he was also involved in the "rebirth" of the Mużika Mużika festival. Meanwhile, as head of ONE, together with the media organisation's employees, he brought about a revolution that turned the broadcaster into PBS's competitor. 

Being entrusted with such responsibilities brought about personal satisfaction, he said, adding he felt he had contributed to the country's cultural, social, media and environmental development. 

However, he said, over the past decade he had also witnessed other changes.

"Mostly changes in colleagues with whom I rubbed shoulders when the PL was in Opposition and I was the party's secretary general. Changes in people whom I had provided with opportunities to grow, whom I employed with PL or PL's commercial companies, mainly, the party's media. Others who I encouraged and helped to contest local, European, and general elections," he said on Facebook.

Several of these people have turned out to be "the biggest disappointment".

Micallef said he had never understood how people, who he did not name, could change in this way.

"This is the worst instinct in a person's character: the savage instinct that, in order to save their own skin, they forget all about you, or no longer recognise you.

"Worse than that, they spit you out without any remorse. They cause you harm for no reason at all.

"That is why today, 10 years later, while I remain proud of what I achieved and grateful for every responsibility the Labour government trusted me with, I cannot but be disappointed, disillusioned by the fake people who unfortunately reign, and also keep sprouting, simply on the belief to save themselves, their chair or role.

"They are spineless individuals. Without realising it, with their screwed-up character, they will end up losing all credibility with everyone. They will end up on their own."

Micallef's FB postMicallef's FB post


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