A 35-year-old man with a “biblical” criminal record of some 25 convictions has been given a suspended jail term after a court heard that he was undergoing successful rehabilitation.

Magistrate Nadine Sant Lia found Annise Bejaoui guilty of stealing over €6,000 worth in cash and cigarettes from Harmony Kiosk in San Gwann on April 23, 2017.

The owner, Ronald Bezzina, filed a police report in which he claimed that someone had broken into his kiosk and stolen a black pouch containing  €3,000 cash, as well as the cash register and €1,869 worth of tobacco and cigarettes. Police arrested the accused after viewing CCTV footage in the area.

The magistrate heard a social worker explain how the accused, who was in prison serving time over another case, formed part of a group of inmates who were preparing themselves to re-enter the community.

She also heard how he had made good progress. In light of this, the magistrate handed down a two-year jail term suspended for four years and ordered the accused to pay the kiosk owner back for the stolen items.

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