The following are the main stories in Thursday’s newspapers.

Times of Malta says the family of a woman who went missing with her husband after he was convicted of importing explosives and trying to buy poison say they fear for her safety after the couple’s home was found in disarray.

In another story, the newspaper said Identity Malta has denied claims of a criminal conspiracy that allegedly saw the identity cards of foreign-born Maltese citizens given to foreign residents in order to vote for the Labour Party.

The Malta Indepedent says there were 44 new SLAPPS in Malta in 2022, the highest per capita in Europe.

L-Orizzont leads with a condemantion from the General Workers’ Union on aggression on a white taxi driver.

In-Nazzjon says there is total silence from the police on the whistleblower accusation that foreign residents were given Maltese ID cards to vote for the Labour Party.

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