These are the leading stories in local newspapers this Saturday.

Times of Malta leads with a court report from the ongoing case filed by heirs of a man who was accused of trying to kill Dom Mintoff. A court heard testimony from a retired judge who investigated the case and said the accused was in a different room to Mintoff when shots rang out.

The newspaper also reports that developer Carlo Stivala has obtained planning permission for a 15-storey hotel on the Sliema front.

The Malta Independent leads with world news, reporting that the US and Israel would like to relocate Palestinians from Gaza to parts of Africa.

The newspaper also reports that law students are once again stuck in a legal limbo due to delays in issuing their warrants to practice.

In-Nazzjon leads with alleged leaks of audio from Labour Party headquarters in which people can be heard complaining about the state of Clifton Grima’s education ministry.

L-Orizzont highlights a plan to provide Gozitan businesses with €14 million in assistance.

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