The following are the top stories in Malta's newspapers on Friday.

Times of Malta leads with news that Infrastructure Malta will be publishing a new tender for a Grand Harbour merchant shipping quay “towards the end of summer” after cancelling its previous agreement due to significant delays by the contractor.

The newspaper also reports that Malta dropped eight spots to 48th place in the latest World Happiness Report published on Thursday, which found that the Maltese feel less free and are less likely to volunteer or help strangers than they once were.

The Malta Independent and L-orizzont both lead their front with news that Prime Minister Robert Abela said Thursday there was agreement that discussions are held on the possibility of changing European Conventions related to migration to reflect today's realities.

The Independent also reports that after a five-year struggle by Din l-Art Ħelwa to save Marsalforn Valley, the road widening project will still go ahead with significant improvements on the original plans.

In-Nazzjon and L-orizzont both also report on the funerary programme for archbishop emeritus Paul Cremona.

Separately, In-Nazzjon reports that the PPE has approved PN's suggestions to respect Malta's neutrality during European discussions about defence.

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