These are the leading stories in local newspapers this Saturday.

Times of Malta reports that residents of a Siggiewi social housing block that is still under construction have been ordered by a court to revert their ID card-listed addresses.

The newspaper also gives prominence to news that the government and teachers’ union negotiators have reached a deal.

The Malta Independent also leads with news of the Siggiewi-related court case, writing that the PN has won all its cases related to the alleged voter fraud case.

The newspaper also highlights news that a Maltese fugitive couple has been found in Libya, with one of the two dead.

L-Orizzont leads with news of the deal struck between the government and MUT concerning a new collective agreement for educators. It also gives prominence to news about the capture of fugitive Jomic Calleja Maatouk in Libya.

In-Nazzjon highlights visits PN leader Bernard Grech paid to Msida and Hamrun and also reports that Eurobarometer surveys show that the cost of living continues to be Maltese people’s primary concern.

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