The following are the top stories in Malta's newspapers on Thursday.

Times of Malta features comments by doctors who sat on a board that gave the go-ahead for social benefits, based on fake documents. They said they felt cheated too. It also reports that according to a European survey, the confidence of the Maltese in the direction of the EU has plunged.

The Malta Independent says European President Roberta Metsola proposed that migrants's asylum applications should be processed outside the EU to deter the need for perilous sea crossings. It also says property sales last month were down 24.6%.

MaltaToday says a whistleblower who revealed alleged corruption in Transport Malta driving tests has written to a magistrate saying he fled Malta because he feared for his life. It also reports that according to a Eurobarometer survey, two-thirds of the Maltese still believe the EU should support Ukraine. 

In-Nazzjon says another man has implicated Castille officials in the benefits fraud scandal, amid growing public anger.

l-orizzont reports greater enforcement of the rules on 'Y' plated vehicles. It also says the GWU has been praised for a study on the living income. 


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