The following are the main stories in Wednesday’s newspapers.

Times of Malta reports from court that a building contractor accused of evading millions in tax owned dozens of exotic animals including tigers and lions as well as luxury cars including two Lamborghinis.

In another story, the newspaper says that according to data released by BCRS, under 2% of the income from containers collected by BCRS machines is being donated to charity by the public.

Malta Today leads with the trial of the man who is being charged with killing his mother and aunt.

The Malta Independent quotes Moviment Graffitti saying that the planning tribunal has been misapplying the law by not stopping development under appeal.

In-Nazzjon says that a former HSBC manager charged with defrauding clients out of millions continued to live at the house of his former partner who says she was a victim of domestic violence.

L-Orizzont quotes the CEO of the Mata Tourism Authority saying that a good tourism season is expected.

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