The following are the main stories in Sunday’s newspapers.

The Sunday Times of Malta says Steward Healthcare Malta has confirmed that the Swiss firm that paid consultancy fees to Joseph Muscat received payments on behalf of Vitals Global Healthcare from the hospitals’ takeover deal.

The newspaper also carries a wide-ranging interview with the Finance Minister, who says that tax defaulters who do not have a payment plan with the tax authorities should be automatically excluded from public procurement.

The Malta Independent speaks to Giovanni Bonello, a former human rights judge, and other top lawyers who say that the new femicide law is discriminatory.

MaltaToday leads with a survey showing that the Labour Party is expected to win the next election by 36,000 votes.

Illum says the Prime Minister is on Sunday expected to announce whether he will be contesting the fifth district.

It-Torċa leads with another survey which shows the Labour Party ahead of the Nationalist Party by 13.6%.

Il-Mument says Robert Abela’s €17,000 contract from the Planning Authority is creating further turmoil within the Labour Party.

Kullħadd says that no exodus of financial services companies has been recorded.

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