Around half the candidates who sat for Skills Pass tests to work in the tourism and hospitality sector failed the exam process, according to data provided by the Institute of Tourism Studies.

As of May, non-EU hotel, bar, and restaurant workers have been required to hold a skills card that costs €475 to work in the sector. 

On Monday, the head of ITS, Pierre Fenech gave an overview of the candidates and results of the Skills Pass tests in the past three months.

Number of candidates per country of origin who applied for the Skills Pass as of September. Credit: ITSNumber of candidates per country of origin who applied for the Skills Pass as of September. Credit: ITS

He told a press conference that up to last week, the biggest percentage of candidates who applied for the Skills Card were from Nepal (29%), followed by  India (25%). There were 9% from Colombia, 8% from Philippines and 4% from Pakistan. The rest came from various other countries. 

44% of those who applied for the Skills Pass had been working in Malta for over a year. The rest are not currently working here.

To obtain the pass, candidates must sit through two examinations. 

Phase 1 consists of an English test, including ‘Essential English for hospitality’ and a ‘basic Maltese tourism product’ test, where the candidates are tested about Maltese history, culture, traditions and tourist attractions. 

887 certificates have been issued so far for phase 1 and 885 candidates are sitting for their Phase 1 exam.

Interview is the biggest stumbling block for candidates 

In Phase 2, candidates must sit through interviews, either held virtually at ITS or in a centre in their home country. During the interview, the candidate must pass an English language test and practical skills assessments tailored to the candidate’s chosen job. 

The exam is 30 minutes long, and the assessor is provided a set of questions at the beginning of the exam. Questions are chosen randomly by computer and candidates are questioned on the topics taught in Phase 1 and basic general questions.

Candidates who have been living in Malta for more than one year are excluded from sitting for Phase 2.

According to the data, 99% of candidates passed Phase 1, unlike the 50% of candidates who failed Phase 2. .

The failure rate of Phase 1 exams. Credit: ITS

The failure rate of Phase 1 exams. Credit: ITS

The failure rate of Phase 2 exams. Credit: ITS

The failure rate of Phase 2 exams. Credit: ITS

When asked about the failure rate, Fenech said this was due to candidates not knowing the language or their chosen occupation well enough. 

Overall, 1,233 Skills Pass certificates have been issued in the past three months. That includes certificates issued for candidates who only sat for Phase 1 and those who sat for both phases.  

6% of candidates suspended after trying to cheat

Fenech said that 6% of candidates were suspended after they were caught cheating. Some tried to do the test with someone else, looked up answers on their phone or blocked the camera monitoring them. They will need to reapply.

When asked what feedback ITS has received, Fenech said candidates had commented positively on the Maltese Tourism Product course, and that many said they found it useful for living and working in Malta.

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