The number of tourists who visited Malta in January increased by 12.6% when compared to the same month in 2024.

The same national data shows that Polish, British, and Italian residents made up 46.4 per cent of total inbound tourists.

Figure: NSOFigure: NSO

According to the National Statistics Office, there were a total of 194,157 people who visited in January 2025. 

Of these, 182,177 flew over for holiday purposes and 8,495 came here on business.

The largest share of inbound tourists consisted of people aged between 25 and 44 (39.4 per cent), followed by the 45-64 age bracket (34.4 per cent).

The total nights spent here went up by 11.4 per cent when compared to January of last year, surpassing 1.1 million nights.

The largest share of guest nights (85.1 per cent) was spent in rented accommodation establishments while the average length of stay of total inbound tourists stood at 5.8 nights.

Total tourist expenditure almost reached €142.6 million - an increase of 29.4 per cent over the corresponding month in 2024.

The average expenditure per night was estimated at €126.3.

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