Two homeless men were charged in court on Sunday after trying to sell cannabis to undercover police in Paceville.

Abdiaziz Hassan Ibrahim and Abdi Ali Jama, two homeless Somali nationals, offered to sell €20 worth of cannabis to the police at 1.35am on Sunday morning.

Inspector Darryl Farr told the court that Jama approached the undercover officers and asked them to follow him.

He led them to Ibrahim, who offered them the cannabis grass for €20.

The men were arrested.

During a search, the police found the men were also in possession of cocaine.

Jama admitted to the charges, including being a repeat offended.

He was jailed for 18 months and fined €600.

Ibrahim denied the charges.

Magistrate Gianella Camilleri Busuttil presided.

AG lawyer Nadia Ciappiara and Darryl Farr prosecuted.

Legal aid lawyer Victor Bugeja assisted Jama while legal aid lawyer Yanika Bugeja assisted Ibrahim.

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