Two men were on Thursday charged with domestic violence in two separate arraignments.

In the first case, a 23-year-old Tunisian national who lives in St Paul’s Bay, was charged with threatening and slightly injuring his partner in his apartment and causing her to fear him on February 19 at about 7pm.

He pleaded not guilty and was remanded in custody.

In the second case, a 51-year-old man from Gudja was charged with threatening, assaulting and slightly injuring his wife and causing her to fear him between February 14 and 19.

He too pleaded not guilty and was denied bail. 

Names are not being published to protect the victims. 

Magistrate Astrid May Grima presided over the arraignments. 

Inspector Antonello Magro prosecuted while lawyer Julia Micallef Strafrace represented both men.

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