Updated 1pm 

Residents of four towns have been impacted by water supply issues after a main pipe was hit during infrastructural works on the Tal-Barrani link road.

Homes and businesses in Tarxien, Paola, Luqa, Santa Luċija, and the Marsa Industrial Estate may be left without water for the whole day, with the Water Services Corporation saying services will likely be restored at around 8pm. 

Yet, customers received a text message that services would be restored at 11.30pm. 

The interruption to the water services was caused after a main water pipe in Tal-Barrani road was hit during ongoing infrastructural works.

Numerous videos on social media showed cars making their way through the flooded road, with one video showing water shooting out of the road in front of a digger. 

Tal-Barrani Road is a crucial connecting route for many localities in the south, including Tarxien, Fgura, Żabbar, Żejtun, Għaxaq, and the Bulebel industrial estate, as well as an important link to Marsaxlokk and Birżebbuġa. 

In a statement, Infrastructure Malta said works immediately began in cooperation with the Water Services Corporation to repair the damage and restore services. 

Damage to a main water pipe flooded Triq Tal-Barrani on Monday.

“Infrastructure Malta officials are on site to ensure that the damage done is fixed as soon as possible with the least possible inconvenience to the surrounding residents,” the statement said.

Transport Minister Chris Bonett praised workers who addressed the problem.

“Let’s remember that no one is perfect, and while I understand people’s frustration, let’s respect each other," he added. "For our part, we will keep working to limit mistakes as much as possible.”

The ongoing works are for a new traffic management system in Tal-Barrani, Tarxien and Bulebel area, which is meant to improve infrastructure in the area but also the traffic flow by introducing a new system of synchronised traffic lights. 

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