A long meeting of the PN parliamentary group was described as 'very good and constructive' by party leader Adrian Delia early on Wednesday.

"I think we have laid the foundations for the Nationalist Party to rebuild and move forward, including the radical change that needs to be done," Dr Delia said. 

He confirmed that during the meeting he presented proposals on the future of the party. It was agreed that the parliamentary group would be meeting every two weeks or sooner to discuss the proposals further. The reforms, he said, involved the set-up of the party and the way it presented itself to the electorate.

I have one parliamentary group. Anyone who speaks against any of its MPs would be speaking against me and the party- Delia

"I have one parliamentary group. Anyone who speaks against any of its MPs would be speaking against me and the party," Dr Delia said to applause from a small crowd.

Dr Delia said he was not asked to resign during the meeting.

But Dr Delia's comment was contradicted by an MP, who contacted Times of Malta to say some MPs - about 10 - did actually challenge Dr Delia, asking for a vote of confidence in the general council. Dr Delia refused.

Either of the claims could not be immediately confirmed.

See video below.

The meeting started at 7pm on Tuesday and ended at 12.30am on Wednesday. A small crowd applauded as Dr Delia emerged from party headquarters.

Prior to the meeting, Dr Delia told reporters that he would not resign, nor demand anybody's resignation.

He was questioned as he entered party headquarters amid reports that many of his own MPs are demanding that he should go.

Dr Delia on Monday told a stormy meeting of the PN Executive Committee that he would be presenting a plan for the way forward for the party, with him at the helm.

Following angry exchanges at that meeting, Pierre Portelli, Dr Delia's closest collaborator, resigned from his post as head of the PN's media arm.

Dr Delia did not wish to comment on Mr Portelli's resignation as he went in for the meeting of the parliamentary group, saying he may comment after addressing the MPs. Among other things, Mr Portelli in his resignation later said that some MPs "went as far as sustaining and aiding criminal activity by third party simply to get you out of the way."

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A crowd of some 100 people awaited Dr Delia's arrival. They cheered when Dr Delia arrived and also applauded MPs Carm Mifsud Bonnici, Mario Galea and Kristy Debono.

Many had expected a bigger crowd, with posts making the rounds on Facebook on Tuesday afternoon calling on supporters to have a show of force and to show "these rebels that we have had enough".

Members of the crowd were heard jeering Chris Said, a former leadership contender, apparently after remarks were exchanged. There was silence as other MPs came in.

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