Labour MEP Alex Agius Saliba watched on sullenly and remained seated as fellow MEPs stood to applaud EP President Roberta Metsola’s victory speech shortly after she was re-elected to the role following Tuesday morning's vote.

Metsola overwhelmingly won the vote, taking 562 of the 623 votes cast.

As Metsola delivered her victory speech, MEPs across the hall rose to their feet to applaud the newly re-elected President, with the EP’s live video feed showing the chamber-wide standing ovation.

One camera shot catches a glimpse of Agius Saliba remaining firmly in his seat, partly obscured by standing MEPs in the foreground.

The other two Labour MEPs, Daniel Attard and Thomas Bajada are not visible in the clip.

Alex Agius Saliba spotted during the chamber's standing ovation.

Speculation as to how Labour MEPs would vote had been mounting in recent days, with the three MEPs refusing to reveal their hand in the run-up to the vote.

But both Agius Saliba and Daniel Attard abstained when the vote took place in the plenary this morning, despite both being present. It is not yet known whether Thomas Bajada also followed suit.

Posting on Facebook, Agius Saliba said that his position was “consistent with what I said during the election campaign”, adding that he could not support Metsola because he disagrees with her “on matters of principle”.

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