Most people at Saturday’s environmental protest in Valletta were angry at the rate of construction visibly decimating the country.
Times of Malta asked people at the protest what was the ultimate environmental crime that pushed them over the ledge.
Most of them said it was not one particular development but rather, the accumulation of daily news of environmentally destructive developments that were permitted or allowed to continue by the authorities. People said they felt the authorities are set on improving the lives of the wealthy few and not the common good.
But others could put a finger on a specific development that led to the culmination of their anger and usually it was a development that happened or was almost about to happen in their locality.
This is what some of them had to say.
“Comino was the last straw for me. The deckchairs everywhere, I mean, they are taking our space. How can politicians, who are meant to work for us, take decisions that people don’t want? They need to start listening.” – Faye Theuma

“For me it was Wied Żejta in Gozo. A beautiful valley that was about to see the construction of 50 apartments in a previously untouched area. What is the point of ruining such places? Just so that we can make money?” – Luke Said

“The issue which hit me the most was the Gżira fuel station. It was completely illegal, and that’s when I said enough is enough.” – Jeremy Mifsud Bonnici

“Everywhere, everywhere, wherever you look there’s construction. We cannot take it anymore. It needs to stop. We’re tired and fed up and we cannot keep living like this. We need to stop all of it. – Caroline Caruana

“I’m studying at University to become an architect and I have become very frustrated with the accumulation of environmentally destructive developments. Many other architects and students like me are also being unfairly blamed for the wrongdoings of people in power.” – Isaiah Riolo

“The lack of green spaces really upsets me and so does the fact that everywhere I look there are cranes. It’s sad, it sucks, and I probably won’t be able to own a house.” – Kathryn Morrison

“I’m a Birżebbuġa resident and for me the last straw was the proposal of an airstrip on virgin land in Wied Żnuber. We’re fed up of living in a country that’s become one construction site. Bad air quality, buildings everywhere, traffic congestions – they’re all problems that have stemmed from lack of thought and planning. We’re not here with partisan motivations but to call for these problems to be addressed.” – Andre Vella

“I’m here as a foreigner. I’ve been living in Malta for almost two years and I can see that there’s a lot of construction and development happening at a really rapid rate, and it’s so concerning for the environment. I’m here to cry out to the government to listen to the people because it’s ridiculous at this point, honestly.” – Izabella Apostolov

“It’s everything. It’s one thing after another. Seeing the Sliema front, the heritage of our country and where I grew up fall apart. Gżira, our beaches, everything. I’m fed up, honestly.” – Julia Zammit
“I do a lot of work with young families who are thinking about their children’s future. It’s not enough to give birth to children and raise them; we must also protect their environment.” – Marianne Theuma

“There’s no plan at all. Roads are over congested, there is no parking anywhere. Malta lost its character. Malta must stop and think because it’s going down an irreversible and unsustainable road.” – John Baptist Camilleri