A woman was left with deep wounds on her arm and leg after she was attacked by a dog in Pembroke. 

The 49-year-old was twice bitten by the animal on Wednesday morning after dropping her daughter off at school. 

She was treated for her injuries at Gżira Polyclinic and given a course of antibiotics but said when she went to the police to file a report, she was dissuaded from doing so.

The woman, who asked for her name to be withheld, told Times of Malta she wanted to warn people about the dog, suspected to be a bully breed, and help identify its owner, who allowed the dog off its leash. 

"I was walking along the path when, out of nowhere, a large dog jumped at me," she said. 

She said the dog leapt toward her and bit her arm.

"When I managed to wrangle him off, he went for my leg," she said. "I can only be thankful that I did not have my children with me because who knows what could have happened."

The woman said the dog had not shown any signs of aggression before the attack.

"It's not like there was any growling or anything like that. That's what really scares me."

She said the dog's owner refused to give his name or contact number after the incident.

"I was crying and shouting, telling him your dog has attacked me," she said

"He casually put his dog on his leash and also put on his muzzle. And told me, 'what do you want me to say, 'I'm sorry' and proceeded to walk away."

The woman said she wants to bring the incident to public attention to prevent it from happening again with possibly worse consequences.

"What if someone elderly is attacked? What would happen then?" she asked.

She thanked the "excellent" staff at the Gżira Polyclinic, where her injuries were treated, and she was given a course of antibiotics.

"The staff there said the bites reached deep into my muscles," she said. 

Questions have been sent to the police. 

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