More than 2,000 fines and warnings were issued by the Environment and Resources Authority (ERA) last year for rubbish left outside on the wrong day or not being correctly separated.

ERA said 1,073 fines had been issued for household waste left outside on the wrong day, with around the same number of warnings, some 1,014, given out for rubbish not being correctly separated into recycling, organic and black bag waste.

The authority said the number of fines given out last year was an increase over previous years, which it said indicated the “effectiveness of the risk-based approach adopted by ERA towards litter waste enforcement.”

Meanwhile, some 135 fines were issued to vehicles incorrectly carrying waste, while 12 were given out for illegal dumping and 15 for illegal incineration of waste.

The authority noted the figures excluded other environmental enforcement by ERA and similar fines issued by LESA or the police.

The figures were given at a seminar organised by the authority. Photo: ERA.The figures were given at a seminar organised by the authority. Photo: ERA.

The figures came at a seminar between government authorities, stakeholders and local and regional councils. Other contributions came from LESA and the Malta Tourism Authority (MTA), which emphasised the importance of community involvement in helping keep localities clean.

Koperattiva Għawdxija tal-Indafa Pubblika Limitata (KIP Gozo) was also invited to speak about its waste collection system used for Gozitan commercial establishments, mostly in the catering industry.

Fines for putting out rubbish on the wrong day or not separating waste range up to €150.

In July last year, ERA introduced transparent black bin bags to help officers check whether rubbish is being correctly separated.

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