UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer on Saturday gave Volodymyr Zelensky a warm welcome to his Downing Street offices, a day after the Ukrainian leader clashed with US President Donald Trump.

Supporters cheered as Zelensky's convoy swept into Downing Street, where he was embraced by Starmer and posed for photographs before heading inside the UK leader's home.

"You're very, very welcome here in Downing Street," Starmer told Zelensky.

"And as you've heard from the cheers on the street outside, you have full backing across the United Kingdom, and we stand with you with Ukraine for as long as it may take."

President Volodymyr Zelensky meets with UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer at Downing Street in London. Video: AFP

Starmer said both leaders wanted to achieve "a lasting peace for Ukraine, based on sovereignty and security for Ukraine (...) so important for Europe and so important for the United Kingdom".

Zelensky responded that he had seen the hundreds of supporters gathered outside Downing Street.

"I want to thank you, the people of the United Kingdom, for such big support from the very beginning of this war," he added.

"I'm very happy that his majesty the king accepted my meeting tomorrow and we are very happy in Ukraine that we have such a strategic partner," he added. "We count on your support."

"We count on your support."

The pair met behind closed doors for around 75 minutes, and embraced again as Starmer escorted Zelensky to his car.

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