Larissa Bonaci


Actress and drama teacher

My best holiday ever…

It was probably in Holland, the one place I didn’t think I’d enjoy much. But with a little persuasion, I gave it a go and I have to say, I’d love to return.

I visited Holland a few months back, travelling from central Amsterdam to Zandvoort, which is to the west and touches the ocean. A few of the highlights? Vondel Park was heavenly, the red light district was sinful, the beaches at Zandvoort surprising, and the culture familiar.

I would never return to…

I’ve been blessed to have enjoyed everywhere I’ve beenso far.

That means I’m either easy to please or I need to travel more – I’m guessing it’s the latter.

The most dangerous place I’ve visited…

At 17 I took a trip to Israel. It wasn’t so much the place, but my parents were definitely concerned that I was a minor travelling alone. The truth is, I’ll always be glad I didn’t listen to my parents on that one because I would visit there again in the blink of an eye.

My favourite city…

Is a different world altogether. And if you’re not one of the unlucky gamblers strolling around having just lost a big poker game, or having gambled their life savings on a roulette spin, Las Vegas is magical.

My most memorable experience on an aircraft…

A flight to Los Angeles. I was planning to live there for a while and it hadn’t sunk in till the minute I landed in LAX. Overwhelming. I was restless for the entire flight, I didn’t sleep more than a wink, barely ate and the flight left me jetlagged worse than any hangover. I had butterflies all over.

My most treasured holiday souvenir…

I’m not much of a souvenir person but I do love shopping, particularly abroad. There are generally more options and the prices are more reasonable.

Every time I wear a handbag or a pair of shoes I bought from a specific country, it reminds me of the great time I had there.

My biggest gaffe abroad…

Let’s just say that Dutch people don’t look favourably on jay walkers. You might get away with it here, but when you cause a collision between two cyclists in the red light district, they let you know about it.

The friendliest people…

Italians. I could identify with the culture and anyone I met in Italy helped make life a little easier.

Of course, it helps when I tell the natives that I support Italy when the World Cup comes around.

I never travel without...

A huge amount of luggage with loads of shoes and clothes. I always manage to overload my luggage. Or maybe, some airlines just keep reducing the weight threshold!

The taxi ride I will never forget…

Well, I sort of have. I’ll explain. I was out with a few housemates I had when I was in LA, and on one particular night we couldn’t stumble more than a few steps without falling over.

We had been celebrating at a club a few blocks away from where we lived. I can’t quite remember why we were celebrating so hard.

Long story short, I remember the taxi ride home had us in tears. Call us girls, or overdramatic, but when you drive through some of the unfamiliar, dark and dingy side roads in California late at night, your imagination runs wild.

I can’t really recall exactly how we made it home though – that’s why I’ll always remember that taxi ride as the one which I can’t quite remember.

My all-time favourite holiday photo...

A photo of me rock climbing when my friends and I took a trip to Las Vegas. I used to rock climb often when I lived in the US and I loved it. We have some great climbing spots here too though.

An unforgettable hotel...

I can’t say I have any specific bad memories of a hotel I stayed in; then again I can’t say I have too many good ones either because my budget doesn’t usually stretch to luxury.

However, the one chance (thanks to my dear friends) I had to stay at a proper five-star hotel spoilt me for life. Looking out of a hotel from the 10th floor over the Vegas Strip makes a girl feel like a princess.

I return most often to...

I try to visit different countries but I often go back to Rome. My family and I have friends there who always welcome us like one of their own. My mum’s friend, a lovely humble and giving lady by the name of Margherita, makes the best pizza I have ever tasted. Who wouldn’t want to go back?

My ideal travel companion...

My partner. He plans everything, thinks of places that would interest me, and sneaks in a few that he might like, which I sort of let go. But he does this thing where he keeps asking me if I’m OK every few steps. Secretly though, I think he knows it makes me feel good, and it helps him get his way with me.

Country with the best cuisine...

La Bella Italy. Dove altro?

My next holiday plans…

Barcelona is definitely in my sights and has been for some time now; it’s one I’ll tick off the old bucket list. I want to taste their food, listen to their music, lie on their beaches and, when my boyfriend isn’t looking, sneak a peek at the gorgeous Spanish boys.

My dream trip…

The Caribbean. White sands, clear seas, all the ‘Sex on the Beach’ a girl could ask for… and I hear the cocktails are good too.

I partied hardest in…

Las Vegas. My dad couldn’t keep up and he’s so fit. I guess he wasn’t as impressed with the flashing lights and the great fire over the water fountain.

My travel tip…

Plan ahead but go with the flow. If the flow means a dodgy taxi driver who promises he’ll take you home safely, accept it.

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