A total of 51 people tested positive for COVID overnight, while a further 53 recovered.

No deaths linked to the virus were reported over the past 24 hours, meaning Malta now has 641 active COVID cases.

A total of 435 people who had COVID have been reported dead since the pandemic reached Malta early last year.

Malta has finally been struck off the EU diseases agency's travel red list, where it had been for weeks, as the number of new infections plateaus, however, the death rate is still among the highest.

Of the current active cases, a total of 36 are being treated at Mater Dei Hospital, while two patients are receiving intensive care. 

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A total of 408,010 people aged over 12 have now been fully vaccinated against the virus, according to health authorities' data.

So far, a total of 789,540 doses of Astra Zeneca, Pfizer, Moderna and J&J vaccines have been administered.




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