Hundreds of activists took to the streets of Valletta on Friday to protest against what they say is police inaction on former Energy Minister Konrad Mizzi.

Despite the stormy weather that continued to batter the island on Friday evening, a sizeable group of activists gathered outside Auberge de Castille, banners and flags in hand.

The protest was held after activists from NGO Repubblika completed a 72-hour sit-in outside the police headquarters in Floriana.

‘We want justice for everyone’ - Aquilina

Addressing those at the protest, Repubblika president Robert Aquilina said it is a shame that activists had to once again take to the streets to call for “obvious things that are basic in a functioning democracy”.

“Because of people like Konrad Mizzi, Keith Schembri and a lot of other corrupt people who were around the prime corrupt Joseph Muscat and because of the inaction of those who can and should take action, we all ended up on the grey list”.

Aquilina said although it has been three months since the publication of the public inquiry into the murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia and although the activists expected Prime Minister Robert Abela to act, he had failed to do so.

“We expected that, at least, he would do the obvious and distance himself from Joseph Muscat, kick him out of the Labour Party and condemn all the bad that occurred under his leadership while also making sure that all the wrongdoing is investigated and that all those who have to face justice, do so,” an impassioned Aquilina said. 

Repubblika president Robert Aquilina. Photo: Jonathan BorgRepubblika president Robert Aquilina. Photo: Jonathan Borg

The president said it has been almost six years since Daphne Caruana Galizia exposed Mizzi’s secret Panama company and yet the former minister is still carefree and making a mockery of parliament. 

Mizzi has repeatedly told parliament's Public Accounts Committee that he would not turn up for questioning on the Electrogas power station contract. The former energy minister was due to appear before the PAC on Tuesday, but in a Facebook post on Monday, he said he had informed the committee that he and his lawyers would only be available from November 3. 

Aquilina ended his speech by addressing Police Commissioner Angelo Gafa, saying that if he did not act, he would once again have to face the activists. 

He also urged those present to have courage and to not lose faith in the country. 

#OccupyJustice activist Louiselle Vassallo. Photo: Jonathan Borg#OccupyJustice activist Louiselle Vassallo. Photo: Jonathan Borg

‘Can someone tell us what is happening?’ –  Vassallo 

#occupyjustice activist Louiselle Vassallo also demanded an explanation over why the police had yet to take any action against Mizzi. 

“Everyone can see what is happening, let alone those with evidence in hand and so you cannot blame us for asking: What is happening with the FIAU reports? Apart from the suspension, with action is being taken against former Assistant Commissioner Ian Abdilla, who did absolutely nothing for years on end? 

“At what stage is the investigation into ex-Commissioner Lawrence Cutajar? What about Silvio Valletta? How is it that nobody featuring in the Panama Papers has been charged? Where are we with Pilatus Bank?” the activist asked. 

She went on to ask a series of other questions: “Will Sai Mizzi give us a refund for doing absolutely nothing? Is Chris Cardona under investigation? What about the doctor who served as a messenger for Keith Schembri and Yorgen Fenech? Are those who gave Melvin Theuma a job being investigated? When will you charge John Dalli?

“Will the Egrant inquiry be reopening? What about Keith Schembri’s mobile that is still missing in action? And what about Konrad Mizzi, when will you arrest him?” 

The questions, Vassallo said, were legitimate and the police commissioner should prove with facts and not empty words, that he is different than his predecessor.

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