Air Malta has warned customers to watch out for an online scam purporting to offer free credit and air miles.

“This survey includes a link which asks users to input their credit card details,” Air Malta said on social media.  “This is a scam.”

The email invites customers to participate in a short 2-3 minute survey to “gather opinions” and says 200 “lucky customers” will win €85 credit and 2,000 air miles every week. 

Air Malta warned anyone who has already been duped into providing their credit card details to inform their bank immediately.

“Please note that such emails should be ignored. As Air Malta, we will never ask for credit card details via email, SMSs or social media,” it added.

The scam is the latest in a problem that has plagued Malta and other countries. Ryanair customers have also received similar scams.

Previous scams in Malta include text messages claiming to be from DHL or MaltaPost informing customers of a bogus delivery.

People have also received telephone calls from a pre-recorded message claiming to be the police telling the person they have been involved in a money laundering case.

The police said they are working with other counterparts to resolve the issue but warn people to be on the look out for suspicious texts, emails and phone calls. 

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