MEP David Casa has called for an investigation into "the systematic use of private citizens' data in the pursuit of institutionalising corruption for the benefit of the Labour Party".

On Sunday, Times of Malta uncovered a Transport Malta racket to help specific candidates obtain a driving licence. 

In a letter to the Data Protection Commissioner Ian Deguara, Casa wrote:

“The leaked Whatsapp chats clearly show that the widespread institutionalised discrimination on the basis of perceived political allegiance are based on data being held by the Labour Party and its corrupt taxpayer-funded political operators within government entities.”

Casa said the chats made it crystal clear that persons applying for a driving license were being discriminated against because of their political beliefs.

“If you’re not Labour enough, you will be treated differently,” Casa said as he cited one of the leaked messages, in which a customer care official within the Office of the Prime Minister said “fuck him... only his mother is with us,” of one candidate. 

“These chats are the tip of the iceberg. What they show is the modus operandi of a criminal organisation that has no line it will not cross, to stay in power. The use of private data for the purpose of systemic discrimination is ghastly and unforgivable. It also happens to be a gross violation of fundamental European rights on data protection,” Casa said.

The Office of the Information and Data Protection Commissioner that Deguara leads is the national supervisory authority responsible for monitoring and enforcing the provisions of the GDPR Directive and the Data Protection Act.

Among its functions is that of ensuring that public authorities uphold acceptable standards to ensure transparency and good governance in the conduct of their operations.

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