A dive centre in Gozo has been transformed into a foodbank to provide immediate relief for those Gozitans who have fallen on hard times since the COVID-19 outbreak.

Around 15 households have been given aid since the initiative kicked off last week, among them families with young children, single parents and elderly people, said one of the founders of the initiative, Belinda Lee Elford.

The Endless Oceans dive centre in Għajnsielem has the support of the local council.

Lee Elford anticipates there will be many more families who will use the service since a lot of locals and foreigners, especially those who do not qualify for aid, “are going to be falling through the cracks”.

One of the people making use of the service is an elderly Gozitan man who used to generate a small income from tourism. “He will be needing a box weekly, and one of the volunteers has been taking him some warm meals,” she said.

Director of diving Brandon Thomas said that since the centre was not operational at the moment, he and the other founders of the initiative had come up with the idea of using it as a drop-off and storage spot for people wishing to donate.

“Nobody knows how long this situation is going to last and we know that people are going to start finding things hard if this goes on for too long,” he said.

We know that people are going to start finding things hard if this goes on for too long

The mayor of Għajnsielem, Kevin Cauchi, said that while vulnerable people in the community were usually taken care of by friends or relatives, due to lack of contact right now, a foodbank was very valuable to those in need.

“In Għajnsielem, people in need would be given regular meals at the local każin or by some other benefactors, but in the current circumstances, some are finding it difficult to get by,” he said.

The fabric of society was changing, Cauchi noted.

“With more foreign workers coming to live in Gozo, who may lack the support systems of locals, an initiative like this can be very important,” he said.

A foodbank, Cauchi added, could be a place where supermarkets and other businesses could donate food they would otherwise throw out.

Thomas said they were looking towards establishing their foodbank for a long term should there be a demand for it, in which case they would look for a permanent place once the dive centre became operational again.

To make a donation or register someone in need, send an email to helpgozo@mail.com.

Gozo Bishop’s appeal

Bishop Mario Grech on Friday called on Gozitans to dip into their pockets and buy a ventilator for COVID-19 patients.

He urged priests in his diocese to fork out €100 each to help raise funds for the equipment, which costs around €50,000.

“There are those who think the State’s resources are limitless, but this is not the case,” he said.

“I urge parish priests, rectors, convents and Church schools in Gozo to do the same by dipping into their common funds,” he said on the occasion of Our Lady of Sorrows.

“I also appeal to all Christians to show their generosity... everyone according to his means.”

Donations can be passed on to parish priests and Church rectors, or deposited online at APS Bank; Account name: COVID 19; Account number: 35452320032; IBAN: MT91APSB77013000000035452320032; Swift Code: APSB MTMT

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