The family of Miriam Pace, the woman who died tragically buried under the rubble of her collapsed home in Ħamrun last month, said on Wednesday it supported a call for a public inquiry into the incident.

Miriam Pace's husband Carmelo and her children Ivana and Matthew, said in a statement that they were expecting talks with the government and consultation with their legal representatives on the composition of the board.

The family is being represented by lawyers David Bonello and Joe Giglio.

The Pace family home collapsed within seconds into a site where excavation work was being carried out.

The Nationalist Party earlier this week gave notice of a motion in parliament calling for a public inquiry into the actions of the institutions and whether they could have averted the tragedy.

The PN said the inquiry would also be expected to look into whether those running the institutions had the knowhow and the resources necessary to enforce regulations. 

The government has so far rebuffed calls for an inquiry, but the prime minister has appointed a panel led by a retired judge to review the laws and oversight systems governing the construction sector. The panel is made up of retired judge Lawrence Quintano, engineer Adrian Mifsud and court experts Mario Cassar and Mark Simiana.






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