The hunting lobby group FKNK has encouraged its members to participate in a regular study commissioned by the government into the spring migration of turtle dove and quail.
FKNK said the study, which has taken place annually for several years, would be carried out by Ecoserv between March 15 and May 15 in various locations, and represented ""the only source of reliable and unprejudiced scientific information regarding bird migration over the Maltese islands.
It encouraged members interested in participating in the study to contact Ecoserv, warning that should a spring hunting season be opened, members would not be allowed to hunt at the same time as making observations for the study.
Last year, the government opted to open a spring hunting season for quail from April 10 to April 30 under a controversial derogation from the EU Birds Directive, despite concerns over police resources in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic.