A clear sign of sound rationality

I recently came across online this beautiful reflection made by my Capuchin confrere, Blessed Solanus Casey: “Gratitude is the first sign of a thinking, rational creature.”

Can I fully respect my personal dignity and that of others by being grateful? Is not gratefulness a clear sign of sound rationality?

Fr Mario Attard OFM Cap – Marsa

Official publication?

A few months ago, a heavily illustrated book in Maltese was published, seemingly by the Correctional Services Agency.

Unfortunately the author, described as a historical researcher, lets his anglophobia become strongly evident throughout.

It is possibly this that makes him run into incredible errors, historical, chronological and geographical.

For example, one can ask what are the Boer connections with India and is Mau Mau a place. Moreover, the word Holocaust is repeatedly misused with no reference to Nazi atrocities. Assuming this publication was financially supported by the agency, did anyone try to check and edit? Do the authorities agree with the opinions expressed?

Antoine Vassallo – Victoria

No Maltese in the skills survey

With reference to Lara Friggieri Cordina’s letter (October 13), it appears that she did not check the official letter sent to us at home by Etienne Caruana, director general of NSO, about the said survey.

The link to the website is given officially as https://skillsonline.gov.mt/.

There is no mention of the site she wrote about: https://skillsnso.gov.mt. At the time of writing, there is still no Maltese version for the Mistoqsijiet Frekwenti where we are to fill the questionnaire.

The joke is that when one goes to the site she mentions and tries to fill the questionnaire from there, clicking the Maltese version, lo and behold, the Mistoqsijiet Frekwenti is given in English even there.

I was not wrong in what I wrote.

Joseph Cachia – St Paul’s Bay

Lateral thinking

Scooters abandoned on a pavement in Sliema. Photo: Chris Sant FournierScooters abandoned on a pavement in Sliema. Photo: Chris Sant Fournier

There is no doubt about the fact that our roads are congested and that parking space is limited. Finding scooters taking up a parking space is infuriating.

To my amazement, a scooter user found a very good solution. The user did a bit of lateral thinking, our famous Edward Debono, founder of lateral thinking, would have been proud of it. The scooter was parked along the pavement on a double yellow line. It did not obstruct any traffic and did not occupy any parking space; it was just a bit of lateral thinking.

I hope Transport Malta will approve and encourage scooter drivers to do the same.

Margaret Parnis England – Kappara

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