From the online comments
WasteServ blames lack of separation for plastic blown out of Magħtab
As always, blaming everyone but their incompetence. This type of reasoning by the authorities being paid by the taxpayer is explained better in another article today and gives a clear image of corruption by the National Audit Office, the Commissioner of Police, the Attorney General as well as the Financial Intelligence Analysis Unit trying to give the impression that they are just incompetent not corrupt! – N. Attard
Just read that an MEP was in Malta asking who is responsible for investigating financial crimes, everybody pointed fingers at other people. We need people who take the blame, admit we have a problem and take action where needed. Stop pointing fingers. – R. Mallia
How easy to shift the blame on others, why doesn’t WasteServ criticise its obsolete practices? However, shortly we will hear of a WasteServ-sponsored campaign among the schools to clean up the mess hux! Using schoolchildren. – V. Buhagiar
As usual, always blaming someone else, never any wrongdoings from them. – Eddy Azzopardi
This is yet another instance of a seemingly endless nauseating carnival parade (minus the fun) of Il-ħmar iwaħħal f’denbu – the Maltese equivalent of passing the buck or finger pointing – one of the most glaringly disgusting characteristics of the band of brigands and incompetents occupying Castille and Mile End. – Anton Grech
Sure, always blame the public! What a waste of entity you are. – Joe A. Borg
What a pathetic rebuttal of responsibility from a bunch of amateurs. They know as well as we do that not all plastic can be recycled. If I can read the back of a packet, then surely they know for a fact that even the most diligent recyclers send some packaging to landfill. Get your ducks in a row, accept there was an oversight, learn from your mistakes and do better next time. But, for goodness sake, don’t play the blame game. – L. Mangion
Seems like I’m in a minority of one but, nevertheless, I agree totally with WasteServ. We are mollycoddled in this country and expect the government to do everything. It is no big deal for us to separate our waste and waste is collected from our very doorsteps every day. There should be no excuses. We need draconian legislation that supports and rewards those who firstly reduce waste and secondly separate but mercilessly punishes those who don’t. I have my own ideas on the subject but it is useless to suggest them here. – Christopher Ripard
Maltese releasing singles with top DJ Martin Garrix
What an inspiring story. Well done for leaving Malta, being ambitious, aiming for the stars and clearly reaching them. This makes such a change from the drab daily news stories about self-entitled politicians hoovering up the public coffers, prancing around cutting ribbons and handing award plaques to expensive restaurants. Such a juxtaposition. – L. Mangion
Well done Shaun... keep pushing forward! – Claude Grech
I was accessing music by Martin Garrix on Spotify and the first song coming up was that of Shaun Farrugia. Heard it and liked it. Good luck for the future. Will certainly be in my library to use during my performances. – Charles Farrugia Bayliss
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