From the online comments board

Ursuline crèche in Sliema closes its doors

Now watch the construction vultures circle the building. – J. Bonnici

The country is indebted to this Order, to these individuals, one generation after another. They will now be replaced by lay, ‘professional’ workers! – Atanasio Anton

These nuns are today’s heroes… tomorrow’s saints. – Ġorġ Borg

Agreed but why did the EU have to get into this? I’m really baffled. – P. Ciantar

Because the EU sets standards of care that were often ignored. Don’t you remember the horrific scenes of abusive orphanages in Eastern Europe before they joined the EU. Even in Malta some institutions had remained unchanged since they were built in Victorian times. – Carmel Bonello

God bless you all, dear sister, for all that you do and have been doing for so many years. God only knows how many children you have helped and the love given to these children is equal to that of a loving mother combined with the love of God. Thank you for all that you do. You are in our prayers. – Charles Bajada 

So much great work in silence and without any fanfare. It is not us who will repay these sisters for their work and sacrifice but God. Thank you sisters. – Charles Debono

Perhaps, without knowing, this nun is showing us the cruel part of our society. – Joe Borgo

The entrance to the Ursuline crèche in Sliema.The entrance to the Ursuline crèche in Sliema.

This is the true face of the word of God not the diamond rings on fingers to be kissed or golden crosses hung over red vests. Actions speaking louder than words. – Benny Agius 

We are indebted to the dedicated nuns who provided a home and love for so many infants. – Joseph Mizzi

A big thank you to the Ursuline sisters for the sterling and holy work they have so generously offered the Maltese nation over the years, a work which brought God’s love to this miserable world of many. May the Holy Spirit continue to guide this community to find its mission in the protection and love of children from the womb onwards and to inspire our country to be and remain prolife in these turmoiled times where life continues to be a commodity for many. – Jane Camilleri Haber

Christ’s teaching put in practice by the very dedicated nuns. The Lord will reward your congregation for its great service. – Joe Tedesco

I guess one has to see to believe what the sisters do to troubled families. Aggressive behaviours etc… Hope that this change makes sense because not everyone can raise children! Please keep us posted with future projects so that we can assist. – S. Schembri

I assure you we will follow up this article with others. There is so much to be done to help families raise their children in this difficult world. We are there for this! – M. Cauchi

These nuns are angels walking on earth. Remember that, since they cared for babies, they had to work round the clock, with little rest but much dedication. Only God knows the number of lives they saved and families they helped through troubled times. – Astrid Vella

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