Air Malta cancelled a further 10 flights to and from Catania after the Sicilian airport was damaged by a major fire last week.

The national airline said it had to cancel the flights due to the continued aircraft movement limitations imposed by the Catania airport.

The cancelled flights are:

July 26 KM642 Malta to Catania departing at 10pm

July 26 KM643 Catania to Malta departing at 11.25pm

July 27 KM644 Malta to Catania departing at 1.35pm

July 27 KM645 Catania to Malta departing at 3pm

July 28 KM644 Malta to Catania departing at 1.15pm

July 28 KM645 Catania to Malta departing at 2.40pm

July 29 KM644 Malta to Catania departing at 3.05pm

July 29 KM645 Catania to Malta departing at 4.30pm

July 31 KM644 Malta to Catania departing at 3.35pm

July 31 KM645 Catania to Malta departing at 5pm

Passengers who would like to rebook their tickets can call on 2166 2211, from Monday to Friday between 8am and 8pm, and on Saturday and Sunday between 8am and 6pm.

Passengers who booked their flight directly through Air Malta and would like to opt for a monetary refund can send an email on

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