A campaign has been launched urging drivers not to touch their mobile phone at the wheel, prompted by the recent rise in traffic accidents.

“Post-COVID, people are back on the road and statistically we are seeing an increase in accidents and collisions occurrences from mobile phone distractions,” a Transport Malta spokesperson said.

An awareness campaign against drink driving is being added in the lead-up to Christmas and the New Year.

“Drunk driving and mobile phone usage while driving do not happen on a seasonal basis but they are critical issues that happen every single day of the year,” the spokesperson said.

A 2019 European survey, carried out by the Vinci Autoroutes Foundation (an observatory dedicated to changing driver behaviour), showed that 97 per cent of European drivers consider it dangerous to send and read SMSs or emails while driving, yet, one in four do it anyway.

75% of Europeans use their smarphones at the wheel

A survey carried out by the same foundation this year showed that 75 per cent of Europeans use their smartphones at the wheel. Of these, 66 per cent use the phone, 25 per cent read or send SMSs, 15 per cent participate in remote work meetings and nine per cent watch a film or video.

But why? Why is the urge so strong?

Psychiatrist Anton Grech notes that many have become addicted to their devices.

“There are various studies showing that, worldwide, we are seeing a rise in behavioural addiction to social media and the internet. This is an addiction and not a habit because there is a strong urge and people feel unwell – such as anxious – if they don’t check their phone.

“Another element that makes it an addiction is that people tend to do it at the expense of something more important – such as driving,” said Grech.

For those who cannot resist the urge to check their phone while at the wheel, he said, a solution is to place their phone far out of their reach. 

In extreme cases people could also need psychological help.

Malta is clearly not the exception when it comes to mobile use while driving. According to data obtained by the Local Enforcement Systems Agency, nearly 39,000 traffic contraventions have been doled out to motorists for this reason.

Nearly 11,000 fines dished out until October

This year, 10,970 fines were dished out until the end of October compared to 12,403 for the whole of last year, according to the data.

The number of these contraventions more than doubled in the past five years: 4,665 were given in 2018, 5,071 in 2019 and 5,825 in 2020.

Traffic police Inspector Nicholas Vella explained that the law is clear: it is illegal to touch your mobile phone while driving, even when you are stuck in traffic.

Last month, Prime Minister Robert Abela said discussions were under way to drastically increase the fines for those caught using their mobile phones while driving.

Right now, motorists are fined €100 and get between three and six penalty points for the offence. They lose their licence for two months if they accumulate 12 penalty points over a period of 12 months.

Record 22 fatalities so far this year

There have been over 800 traffic accidents resulting in fatalities or injuries over the past three years, with this year setting a record of 22 fatalities so far.

Aldo Lombardi, whose wife, Marie Claire Lombardi, died when the motorcycle she was driving skidded on spilt olives on October 22, believes that, to be effective, any legal amendments must also increase the number of traffic penalty points deducted. Lombardi, who is a LESA compliance officer, said he believed mobile phone use contributed to many accidents.

Pierre Vella, who chairs the Road Safety Council, said that distraction was one of the main causes of accidents and mobile phone use contributed to distraction.

“Just think about the time spent looking at your mobile and the distance travelled by your vehicle. Can you afford those vital seconds? For that very short period of time your car changes from a commodity to a vehicle of destruction.”

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