Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said Wednesday he is living his final days in office with “great serenity”.

Speaking on the Labour Party’s radio station, Dr Muscat said he had made it a point that the government’s work continued throughout his final days as prime minister.

Some decisions still had to be taken, he said, but “bigger” ones were put on hold so that the new prime minister could then decide. 

Over the next weekend, 17,500 Labour Party members will vote to elect a leader who will then take over from Dr Muscat. There are two contenders in the race – Health Minister Chris Fearne and backbencher Robert Abela.  

Whoever of the two is elected will take over as party leader immediately and will then be sworn in as prime minister early next week.

While not divulging any details about what is next for him, Dr Muscat said that he will continue to be “active”, but will be doing so from the side-lines. This, he said, would enable the new leader and prime minister to carry out his work, especially while he finds his feet. 

“I pledge my full loyalty to the new leader, as should the people. I urge everyone not to make comparisons. I am sure that the party will be in good hands,” Dr Muscat said. 

The prime minister announced his resignation on December 1 amid shocking revelations from the investigation into the murder of journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia emerged.

He has since resisted local and international pressure - including an overwhelming vote in the European Parliament - urging him to step down immediately. 

In comments on his greatest achievements, Dr Muscat put job-creation at the top of his list. He said he was also proud that under his leadership, people started embracing change instead of fearing it.

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