Opposition leader Bernard Grech has called for an independent inquiry to see whether all those who took the COVID-19 vaccine were entitled to it. 

Addressing a news conference, just after Prime Minister Robert Abela announced new measures, including the closure of restaurants and the doubling of fines, Grech said the inquiry should examine if everything is "above board".

He said he had informed Health Minister Chris Fearne that at the primary health centre in Attard, people who were not due to be given the vaccine were receiving it on a first-come first-served basis.

Moreover, the head of the nurses' union also said health workers did not have a list of those entitled to the vaccine. 

“This is very serious as is leading to walk-ins of people to get the vaccine. These are grave allegations, I am giving the details and requesting an investigation,” he said.

The people, he said, had started to suspect that the vaccination programme is not at all transparent and that some are being vaccinated before their time.

“This is what happens when the government is not transparent, when institutions are not working and are there to defend criminals and politicians instead of the people,” Grech said.

He said that a “lack of clarity and transparency” is a Labour government trademark and is “not acceptable” when it came to people’s health.

Referring to a point in the news conference when the prime minister said he was feeling dizzy and unwell, Grech said: “This is why the Prime Minister collapsed today, because he is arrogant and used PR and advertising while also trying to control the national and other media to take the people for a ride, thinking he will solve problems by simply saying that Malta is the best."

Grech said that while he agreed with the measures which had just been announced, they had been announced "in panic and too late". 

MPs requesting vaccine

Grech also said when asked that he had approached the two MPs Fearne told him had asked for a vaccine when they were not entitled to it and they had vehemently denied this.

“They gave me their version and I believed them," he said.

He accused Fearne of "lying in Parliament" and said he should either withdraw his allegations on the two PN MPs or he will continue seeking the Speaker’s ruling.

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