Law enforcement officials stopped 267 vehicles in roadside checks on Friday night, the police said in a statement.

The police said that the “vast majority” of vehicles inspected were found to be compliant with the law. However, the police provided no details about the number of contraventions identified or a breakdown of what they were.

Instead, it said law-breakers ranged from a driver being caught without a valid licence, another caught with drugs and some vehicles deemed not roadworthy.

The apparent lack of law-breaking contrasts significantly with the results of a similar roadside checking exercise carried out in St. Paul's Bay earlier this month. 

On that occasion, officers inspected 279 vehicles and identified 94 contraventions - more than one for every three vehicles inspected. 

A video about the checks released by the police. Video: Police CMRU

Friday night's inspections involved breathalyser tests and K9 units. Officers also checked Y plate registrations, driving licences and immigration paperwork checks.

The inspections were carried out by police officers, LESA community officers, Transport Malta enforcement teams, as well as members of the Detention Services who checked non-EU residents’ paperwork.

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