The message about a positive change in Malta is reaching EU institutions, Prime Minister Robert Abela said on Thursday. 

Speaking during a meeting with the Chamber of SMEs (formerly the GRTU), Dr Abela expressed his optimism that Malta's reputation would soon "stabilise". 

He had a duty to take tough decisions, and such decisions would be taken, he added.

The prime minister, who was in Brussels on Tuesday, said the European Parliament president in particular had positive feedback about Malta. 

He pointed out that the European Parliament had been one of Malta's harshest critics of late. 

Picking up on a point made by Chamber president Paul Abela, the prime minister expressed his agreement that the "alleged mistake" made by one businessman should not reflect badly on the whole business sector. 

Businessman Yorgen Fenech has been charged with complicity in Daphne Caruana Galizia's murder. 

The chamber president insisted the person involved "was a criminal, not a businessman". 

Paul Abela said a lot of work needed to be done to repair Malta's reputation, which he said had taken a battering thanks to the events of last November.

Mr Abela expressed his confidence that the work being done by the prime minister would help repair the damage done.

He also emphasised the importance of a level playing field when it came to government tenders, and expressed his hope that more would be done to ensure sustainable development in Malta.

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