Opposition leader Bernard Grech on Sunday challenged Prime Minister Robert Abela to publish his law firm’s €17,000 contract with the Planning Authority.

“Robert Abela, publish the contract so the whole population can see the truth, we deserve the truth...  this will show we are on the right side of history,” Grech said while addressing supporters at Dingli Circus in Sliema. 

Times of Malta reported a few days ago that a Planning Authority retainer for Abela’s law firm had more than doubled - from €7,300 per month in 2013 to €17,110 in 2019. Abela Advocates was paid over €1.2 million in that period for work that is now largely handed in-house by the PA. 

Grech also highlighted how Abela is 'cut off' from reality, following the announcement workers and students will be handed out €100 cheques earlier this week. 

“We have a prime minister who cannot understand the pain, the difficulty some families face when they try to make ends meet everyday and their struggle to make sure their children have a better future.”

The reason behind the cheques, the Opposition leader continued, was that Abela was caught out taking €17,000 per month in government contracts. 

“But people now know the truth, that Abela is there only to serve his own interests, he does not have the stamina to be leader,” Grech said. 

The Prime Minister, Grech said, has yet to action to ensure Malta is removed from the FAFT grey list.

'Together we can bring the change the country needs'

Grech appealed to his listeners to vote for the Nationalist Party in the forthcoming election to bring about the change the country needs.

 “Everyday I am determined to work, not because I want to win the election, but because I want to serve, I am convinced and determined that this country deserves better and more. But it must also be the people who stand up and be counted to be part of the change."

In a heartfelt tribute to former prime minister Eddie Fenech Adami, who turns 88 on Monday, Grech said the Nationalist Party is never ashamed by its previous leaders.

“Every leader this party had always placed their interests in the country and the Maltese and Gozitans above everything else,” he said.

“Eddie brought us democracy... he was attacked and criticised, but he was never scared because he knew he was on the right side.”

He mentioned a constitutional case the PN filed against the Public Broadcasting Service and praised journalists, who "work to expose the truth". 


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