Half of University students agree with gay marriage - survey

Almost half of University students believe gay marriage should be introduced in Malta, according to a survey conducted by the new student organisation, Move.The group says it represents 'progressive' students. When asked whether gay marriage should be...

October 13, 2009| Times of Malta 2 min read
Times of MaltaTimes of Malta

Almost half of University students believe gay marriage should be introduced in Malta, according to a survey conducted by the new student organisation, Move.The group says it represents 'progressive' students.

When asked whether gay marriage should be legalised in Malta, 49 percent said yes, 35 percent said no and 16 percent said they were undecided.

The survey's results, which will be published in more detail tomorrow, are bound to raise a few eyebrows since they paint a picture of a surprisingly liberal student body.

Another recent survey, by the University Chaplaincy, found that the overwhelming majority of students disagreed with the Church's teachings on divorce, artificial contraception and pre-marital sex. The University Chaplaincy's survey did not ask about gay marriage, but found that only 44 per cent of students were against divorce. Three quarters of students said there was nothing wrong with pre-marital sex and that cohabitation should be approved.

Move's survey was carried out during Freshers' Week where around 400 Maltese students were randomly selected to give their opinions on a number of issues, ranging from the morning-after pill to whether condoms should be available on campus.

The results will be discussed in more detail during the launch of Move, as a new student organisation. The launch will be followed by a debate on sexual health issues, also organised by Move, asking "whether the promotion and usage of condoms can help in the decrease of sexually transmitted diseases". It will feature students from the faculties of Theology and Medicine.

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