
The MV Arctic Sea, which made the headlines during the summer after it was reportedly hijacked near the English Channel and then freed by Russian forces, has arrived off Malta and is expected to berth in Grand Harbour tomorrow (Wednesday) morning.

The ship was escorted by a Maltese patrol boat as it cruised some 20 miles off Malta.The Malta Maritime Authority said the ship would be allowed into harbour after its safety was ascertained by the Civil Protection Department, the Police and the MMA itself. A team is expected to board the vessel overnight.

The vessel flies the Maltese maritime flag but carries a Russian crew. The Finnish owners are to bring in a new crew once the ship berths at Malta Shipyards for repairs, mainly to its communication systems.

Russian authorities have already declared that the ship is safe and that it carries no illegal or unsafe cargo onboard. The owners have also stated that to the best of their knowledge there is no illegal or unsafe cargo on the vessel and that it carries no other cargo other than that appearing on the ship's manifest.

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