Consumers who prefer to avoid the rush of buying Christmas presents at the very last minute should start shopping around and think what gifts to buy and from where.

Usually, at this time of year, various shops have special offers for early buyers. Thus, this might also be a good time to get some real bargains.

If we are unsure what gift to buy, there is always the possibility of giving a gift voucher. Even though, through this purchase, we cannot disclose the amount spent, this kind of gift has its advantages.

The person who receives the gift voucher may choose an item that is most suited to their tastes or needs. However, if we are not careful when buying a voucher, the person receiving it may encounter problems. These may range from an expiry date that has lapsed to a voucher from a shop that has closed down.

Our first responsibility when we are about to buy a gift voucher is to choose the right type. There are vouchers that can only be used in one specific shop, others that can be used in a chain of shops, and others that can be used at a variety of outlets.

If we want the receiver of the voucher to have an ample choice, we should choose a kind of voucher that can be used in as many shops as possible.

Our next responsibility is to check the expiry date attached to the gift voucher. Ideally, this date should be printed on the actual voucher. We should make sure that whoever receives the voucher is aware of this date and has a reasonable amount of time to be able to make use of the voucher.

Hence, buying a gift voucher that expires in a few weeks or months may not be the ideal purchase. Prior to buying a gift voucher, we should also check whether, if need be, the expiry date could be extended.

There are different ways a voucher can be used. Unless otherwise specified on it, vouchers are usually used at one go.

Other vouchers may have the condition that if a product of a lesser value is chosen, another voucher will be issued with the price difference. We should make sure that there is this option when buying vouchers of a considerable value.

Should we be the ones receiving the gift voucher, we should read carefully the terms and conditions attached to it and make sure that we observe them.

Moreover, even though a gift voucher may not have an expiry date attached to it or does not expire before a year or two, we should still try to use it as soon as possible. If we do not, there is a risk of losing the voucher and, if this happens, there isn’t much we can do.

The only exception would be if the gift voucher is issued in the consumer’s name and is marked ‘non transferable’. This means the trader is likely to have a record of the voucher and may be prepared to cancel the original and issue another one.

If we do not use a voucher within a reasonable time, there is also the risk of a shop closing down or a change of ownership. This could mean that unused vouchers could become worthless.

When terms and conditions on gift vouchers are not honoured by the trader or shop owner, we have legal rights and can seek redress.

In such situations, we can make a claim with the Office for Consumer Affairs within the Malta Competition and Consumer Affairs Authority.

Ms Vella is senior information officer, Office for Consumer Affairs, Malta Competition and Consumer Affairs Authority.

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