A total of €1,528,367 was collected on Sunday in aid of DAR Bjorn Respite during a 12-hour marathon that was broadcast on local TV stations. 

The telethon - named Sal-Aħħar Nifs - included the participation of several personalities and DAR Bjorn residents who live with neurological disorders.

Among them was Robert a firefighter with ALS who works with the Civil Protection of Malta and Calvin, a 20-year-old who struggled to find a job but found employment at DAR Bjorn.

ALS is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. As the disease progresses, the body’s motor neurones stop sending signals to the muscles until the muscles start to die, leading to partial paralysis and eventually a fully paraplegic state.

Bjorn Formosa, who was diagnosed with ALS in 2015, founded ALS Malta to improve the lives of those with the disease. Among others, the foundation operates residential homes for people with neurodegenerative conditions. 

“I have done nothing grand. I’m just creating meaning in my life," Formosa said on Sunday following the marathon.

People can still donate €11.65 by sending an SMS on 5061 9271, €25 by calling on 5180 2018 or €50 on 5190 2075.

They can meanwhile pledge other donations on 2131 1311 or BOV Mobile Pay 7909 6249.

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