The government and the Labour Party should distance themselves from Joseph Muscat following a magistrate's decision on Tuesday to place him under a bill of indictment for alleged corruption, the Nationalist Party said. 

The prime minister should also stop the privileges currently accorded to Muscat, including a diplomatic passport and use of government offices, the shadow minister for justice, Karol Aquilina, said.

He said the magistrate's decision to place Muscat, his former chief of staff Keith Schembri and former minister Konrad Mizzi under a bill of indictment in the Vitals hospitals case confirmed that they had a lot to answer for. 

Prime Minister Robert Abela needed to acknowledge the new situation and immediately remove all the co-accused from any role they may have in the government and the Labour Party.

No prime minister who respected his office and his country could ever treat somebody such as Joseph Muscat as his political ally. Muscat should be viewed for what he truly was - an accused person facing very serious charges of corruption, money laundering and criminal association to defraud the Maltese people. 

Abela should therefore also stop Muscat from continuing to hold a diplomatic passport and using government offices for personal purposes. 

Aquilina said the PN was renewing its confidence in the the judiciary and also acknowledging the commitment of prosecutors who were facing huge obstacles by those who, like Joseph Muscat, were doing everything possible for justice not to be served.


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