The Office of the Prime Minister spent nearly €11,000 of taxpayers’ money for a two-night stay in a five-star hotel during Robert Abela and his wife’s visit to the Paris Olympics opening ceremony.

Information from the Government Gazette shows that the government spent €10,811 on accommodation costs for the prime minister's delegation to Paris.

The bill was charged by Le Dokhan’s Hotel, which is located between the Eiffel Tower and the Arc de Triomphe between July 25 to 27.

The expense was only for accommodation.

“The prime minister was accompanied on his visit by two members of his communications team and two security officials,” the Office of the Prime Minister confirmed.

It is not clear how many rooms for the delegation were booked. However, if each of the four people accompanying Abela got their own room and the Prime Minister and his wife got their own room, then the average cost of each room for one night is over €1,000.

The hotel describes itself as a "luxurious 5-star property set in a prime location in the centre of Paris".

The two-day €11,000 spend visit compares to the €15,000 spent over nine days in the Hotel Le Relais Saint Honore by Sports Minister Clifton Grima and his secretariat.

Abela, accompanied by his wife Lydia, was invited to Élysée Palace along with other world leaders to meet French President Emmanuel Macron and his wife Brigette prior to the start of the Olympic games. This event was also attended by other heads of state.

The Prime Minister also visited Team Malta and Malta’s five athletes who participated in the Olympic Games at the Olympic Village. 

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