The 11th annual conference of the School of Performing Arts is taking place at the University of Malta’s Valletta Campus on March 5-7 from 8am onwards.
The performing arts serve as a powerful medium for participation and engagement and play an important role in social and everyday life, despite the challenges facing them.
This conference, being organised by the University’s School of Performing Arts (SPA) in partnership with Creative Europe Desk, Malta, brings together contributions – theoretical and practical, historical and current, in the performing arts (dance, theatre, music) and in related fields – in an interdisciplinary dialogue broadly themed around participatory practices in the performing arts, spectatorship and audience, and the dynamics of ‘engagement’ with communities, in education and in various civic and social spaces.
Additionally, the conference explores the challenges and opportunities that arise when various sectors of the performing arts meet in collaborative processes.
The Director of SPA, Philip Ciantar, and Jeremy Coleman, lecturer in music studies, will be the conference conveners. Attendees will certainly enjoy the contributions by various members of SPA, of local and international repute, as well as the keynote speakers, Funmi Adewole Elliott, Alicia de Bánffy-Hall and Peter W. Marx.
The detailed programme can be accessed here.