Updated 6.45pm

Several people were stranded at the Valletta and Mġarr fast ferry terminals on Sunday afternoon after the ferry's gangway at the Gozo port fell into the sea.

Others were stranded on the ferry itself, which could not berth until the gangway was retrieved.

The Gozo Highspeed informed customers of a technical issue just after 4.30pm.

"Please note that the 4.45pm from Valletta and Mġarr and the following voyages will be cancelled due to a technical issue at the Mġarr terminal," it said on Facebook.

Gangway pulled out of the sea at the Mgarr ferry terminal. Footage: Matthew Bonnici Cocks

People waiting for the ferry in  Mġarr, hoping to return home following a weekend of Carnival celebrating were told the gangway fell into the sea.

Around 6pm, they saw the gangway being pulled out of the sea.

At around the same time, a passenger replied to Gozo Highspeed's post: "Currently on the stranded ferry in the middle of the ocean. Not ideal. Been on the ferry two hours now."

The fast ferry seen sheltering off the Blue Lagoon from the Gozo Channel ferry.The fast ferry seen sheltering off the Blue Lagoon from the Gozo Channel ferry.

Just before 6.30pm, the service provider told Facebook followers the service would resume operations at 6.45pm from both terminals. 

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