Corradino prison's head of administration and operations Randolph Spiteri has denied rumours that he was sent out on forced leave, despite senior government officials telling Times of Malta that "it’s time for change".

"I booked my leave days myself and nobody asked me or forced me to go on leave,” Spiteri said when contacted for comment by Times of Malta

“I have not taken a day of leave since last August and I simply wanted to rest. Can’t a government official take a day of leave without being reported on the news?”

He insisted he will be returning to work at Corradino Correctional Facility in a few days.

Spiteri became the head of operations at CCF in 2018 and was the right-hand man of former prison director Alex Dalli, who was moved on following an inquiry into prison methods that was prompted by a spate of inmate deaths and allegations of unorthodox methods of discipline.

Spiteri continued in that role under Robert Brincau, who took over the job last November.

"It's time for change"

Multiple sources both within government and prison told Times of Malta that Spiteri was asked to go on forced leave. 

A senior source within the Home Affairs Ministry said"it’s time for change".

Some sources within prison said that Spiteri was stifling the new administration's efforts to reform prison following Dalli's tenure.  

Others said that they sensed winds of change within prison, but that it was indeed Spiteri who had asked for leave. 

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