With so many people finding themselves in dire straits, how can others lend some support? Here are a few suggestions:

Regularly check in on elderly or vulnerable relatives and neighbours – whether by phone or social media – to ask if they need any help. Even if they don’t, reaching out to them will provide reassurance and respite from the tedium of long days spend inside.

Create social support networks in your street or neighbourhood, like Whats-App groups. 

Do the shopping or pick up medicines for at-risk neighbours, such as people over 60 and those suffering from heart conditions or diabetes.

Don’t hoard essentials because it means others will go without

Put together a personal safety pack for the elderly or at-risk. This may include a summary of basic personal information, important contacts, regular medicines for two weeks, storable snacks, water bottles, clothes.

Support people with small children, especially single parents. They may have difficulty leaving home to get basics.

Don’t hoard essentials – such as toilet paper and hand sanitizer – because it means others will go without.

Offer fitness, yoga, gym or dance sessions online to help people stay physically and mentally strong.

Donate money to struggling causes.

Support local businesses when you can.

If you’re a landlord, consider reducing the rent for your tenant for a month or two. Or offer an apartment to a healthcare worker who needs to go into quarantine.

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