Education Minister Evarist Bartolo has warned against fanning the flames of hatred and violence in such a delicate moment for the country.

In a Facebook post, the Labour veteran who earlier this week called for the removal of then Tourism Minister Konrad Mizzi and Chief of Staff Keith Schembri, on Wednesday said the country is going through ‘very difficult times’.

“If we really love our country and its people, we should ensure that we emerge from this period as a better country.”

This, he said, was not the time to raise the temperature, to fan hatred or resort to violence. Protests were essential in a democracy, but they had to be civil and democratic because it was easy to spark the crowd, but who would put out the fire?

The police and the courts had to do their duty to truly deliver justice. In the meantime, all should care for the country and continue to create jobs and wealth. All should care for their families, the weak and those without a voice in society, he said.

Mr Bartolo’s comments came against the background of the Daphne Caruana Galizia murder investigation and Dr Mizzi’s and Mr Schembri’s resignation on Tuesday.

Four protests against the government have been held in Valletta within a week, with ministers having had eggs and coins thrown at them as they left Parliament on Tuesday evening.

The Labour Party is meanwhile mobilising its supporters for a meeting in Fgura on Sunday morning.



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