Enemalta has refused to hand over a copy of its €37 million power plant contract with Bonnici Brothers, saying doing so would “substantially and unreasonably divert resources” from its other operations.

The state-owned power provider rejected a Times of Malta freedom of information request for all contracts signed between Enemalta and UNEC Limited, a Bonnici Brothers subsidiary.

UNEC was awarded a tender to supply Enemalta with an “emergency” diesel-powered plant as a back-up, should one of Malta’s primary power sources fail.

Enemalta claimed it was unable to give Times of Malta a copy of the power plant contract as a freedom of information request did not specify a date range for the requested documents.

“The resources necessary for the collation of the information being requested, which does not refer to a definite period, would substantially and unreasonably divert the resources of Enemalta plc from its other operations.”

It invited Times of Malta to redefine the freedom of information request to make it “more easily addressed by Enemalta”, particularly by referring to a range of dates for the information sought.

Installation of the Bonnici plant was completed in August, after weeks of delay.

Enemalta insists that Malta can source enough energy to meet demand and repeated power cuts are due to faltering distribution networks.

The diesel plant project was exempted from an environmental impact assessment in January after Enemalta warned that it would not be able to guarantee Malta’s security of energy supply during the summer months without the temporary power plant.

UNEC Ltd, part of the Bonnici group of companies, is an importer of industrial equipment, from heavy machinery to marine engines. The company is expected to operate the temporary plan for 27 months.

Works are under way to hook up a second electricity interconnector between Malta and Sicily.

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